Future Continuous Tense Ppt. Will be doing and be going to be doing. unlike simple future forms, future continuous forms are usually interchangeable. It's to practise the positive future continuous tense. Don´t phone me between 7 and 8 as we´ll be having dinner then. Be occurring at a certain point of time or when another action happens in the future. (we will) we’ll (you will) you’ll (they will) they’ll f future continuous tense • i’ll be watching the tv soon. I will have played the game. The future continuous tense expresses an activity that will continue at time in the future. Download pdf download as docx download as pptx. Some of the uses may be of a more advanced level of english. Instead of using future continuous with these verbs, you must use simple future. We must add (or understand from the context) a future word. / i am going to be watching the news at 9pm. Future continuous has two different forms: It is also known as the future progressive tense. It explains those two tenses.

Future continuous tense online presentation
Future continuous tense online presentation from en.ppt-online.org

This is a ppt explaining the main uses of future continuous. Will be doing and be going to be doing. unlike simple future forms, future continuous forms are usually interchangeable. For an action that will be continuous during a period of time. Future simple “will” “be going to” present continuous present simple go to practice will we use will + infinitive without to: In english we don’t have one future tense. For an action that will be continuous during a period of time. This time tomorrow, i´ll be lying on the beach in the sun. I will be watching the news at 9pm. 17 the structure of the future continuous tense is: Present continuous tense for the future we can also use the present continuous tense to talk about the future—if we add a future word!!

I Will Have Played The Game.

To express intention or promise. / i am going to be watching the news at 9pm. To express a sudden decision made at the moment of speaking. Future continuous tense is used to talk about something that will be in progress at around a time in the future. We only use the present continuous tense to talk For an action that will be continuous during a period of time. It explains those two tenses. Future continuous tense (i will) i’ll (he will) he’ll (she will) she’ll (it will) it’ll be working. Review of the future tense in a powerpoint presentation.

Will Be + Present Participle Am/Is/Are + Going To Be + Present Participle:

In english we don’t have one future tense. They will be moving their furniture out of the house by the time you arrive tomorrow. We must add (or understand from the context) a future word. • i’ll be exercising later this afternoon. Future continuous has two different forms: In contrast to the future simple, the two forms of the future continuous have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably.the use of the future continuous is the same as the past continuous, in that it is used for actions that occur at a specific time, but in this case, in the future. Download this quiz in pdf here. We use several forms to talk about different ideas about the future. This powerpoint presentation is suitable for learners who are leaning future perfect and future continuous.

The Future Progressive This Tense Is Used To Describe An Event Or Action That Will Occur Over A Period Of Time At A Specific Point In The Future.

Be occurring at a certain point of time or when another action happens in the future. Instead of using future continuous with these verbs, you must use simple future. The simple future tense is a verb tense. It will be raining when you return. I will be watching the news at 9pm. “will be doing” and “be going to be doing”. For negative sentences in the future continuous tense, we insert not between will and be. It includes functions and example sentences in order to make it meaningful for the students. Future continuous has two different forms:

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